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Mount Hardy Base Metals Project
Zn, Cu, Ni, U

Prospective geology of Mount Hardy area
Granites and pegmatites source for REE and Ur (red shade on map)
Adjacent to and same geology as GSW’s Cristal Creek REE resource (yellow on map)
Same geology as Todd River Resource’s copper/zinc resource
Todd River drilling intersections include 9.15m @4.5% Cu, 8.8% Zn, 7.6% Pb and 182 g/t Ag
Along fully sealed Tanami Road for easy access
Ternary Radiometric airborne geophysics survey shows large anomaly in Mt Hardy area same response as GSW’s Cristal Creek Rare Earth Elements resource
Kaolin Group Index anomaly same as Cristal Creek indicative of ionic-clay Rare Earth Elements
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